Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rosie's salsa

As far as we're concerned, salsa isn't salsa unless it is fresh! And this is definitely fresh... Though Rose just began putting things together (and she does makes it best) we talked her into guessing amounts so that we could try to duplicate! Sure hope it is tasty for you... this is (BY FAR) the most requested recipe we have!
So... with Cinco De Mayo around the corner, we hope you'll celebrate in style!
8- 10 Roma tomatoes (actually any tomatoes will do...)
1 bunch cilantro (depending on how much you like cilantro, a huge bunch will work as will a small bunch!)
1 large white or yellow onion
1 jalapeno
1 Anaheim pepper
1 lime
1 can crushed tomatoes (home canned tomatoes crushed in the food processor are amazing!)
garlic salt
We food process all the salsa veggies. But if you don't have a food processor, chop up small...
DO NOT PUREE them though... you want them to be a little chunky!
so... to recap...
tomatoes (food process- fp-) chunky... and dump into bowl.
onion, jalapeno, pepper and cilantro (fp) add to bowl.
squeeze juice from lime into salsa and stir together.
add the canned tomatoes and stir well...
garlic salt to taste... WE GO HEAVY but not too salty (especially with salty chips!)
It makes lots... you'll eat lots! ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting this! I hope mine turns out as yummy as yours!
