Wednesday, January 5, 2011

refried bean burritos

Tonight for dinner we ate bean and cheese burritos. The thought of just refried beans slapped into a tortilla shell smothered in cheese didn't completely set well with me... so I spiced up the idea with veggies and hid them in the beans so the Mr. McKay wouldn't feel obligated to remind me that he doesn't love to eat such green foods... The beans turned out amazing... I had kids and a husband eating bowls full... And so I never want to forget how I made such goodness. Here you go... I hope you enjoy!


1 medium white onion

1/2 yellow bell pepper

1 small zucchini

2 small jalapenos
1/4 C chopped celantro

1- 2 C arugula

Celtic sea salt


olive oil

1 can great white northern beans

1 can black beans

1 can pinto beans

3 oz cream cheese

Begin your refried bean experience by:

chop all veggies small

in a fry pan, saute onions in 3 T olive oil until they become translucent. Add remaining ingredients and saute until soft! Pepper and salt to taste. (I have fallen in love with Celtic Sea Salt... I will never go back to regular salt... This stuff actually pulls flavor out of your food!)

Drain beans thoroughly! AS IN... NO LIQUID!!! (or you will have refried bean soup!)

In a separate pan, heat up beans with 3 oz cream cheese until cheese is melted.

in a blender pour veggie mix and puree. Pour hot beans on top and blend together. Not too long or the beans will turn into soupy mix. Though the flavor will be right, it is difficult to get the consistency right for burritos. However, if that happens, no biggy... just make cheese crisps and dip them into the bean dip!

pour refried beans back into the pan to keep warm while making burritos. I use whole wheat tortillas and sometimes put in a scoop of brown rice. YUMMY!
*Some reasonable garnishes would be celantro, Rosie's homemade salsa, a dobber of sour cream and fresh avacado. Is your mouth watering yet?


  1. Oh man I seriously miss your cooking. I would have babies all the time if it meant that you were bringing dinner to me! lol I will have to try this it sounds yummy!
